Friday, February 27, 2009

Es Teler 77

William is back!! to share more about food.
Now is back to dessert again. Es teler77. Es (ice) teler(dizzy, drunk?, hungover?) and Es teler 77 is the fast food chain brand that sell this excellent dessert. Although it says teler, but it doesn't have any alcohol or stuff like that that makes you, teler
Lots of franchises in Indonesia and there are some also here in Singapore. The website also says that there are some as well in Australia

Ice, jack fruit, avocado, coconut flesh, sweet condensed milk and tadaaaa... Es teler.
But the one made by Es teler 77 is just different.

Ooooh my cute little sister..

Oops, shouldn't leave leftover, I would just have to eat it after I took the picture.
Appearance ♥♥♥◦◦ - The look is actually quite standard
Tastiness ♥♥♥♥◦ - Very nice taste, sweet and refreshing
Sinfulness ♥♥♥◦◦ - One portion is always not enough

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